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Sleep & Snoring

Snoring dog keeping you awake? Learn why your dog snores and how the two of you can stary friends. This blog delves into the world of snoring pets, exploring the causes behind their nighttime serenades. We explore the underlying reasons dogs snore and discuss treatment options to bring back peace (and quiet) to your nighttime routine.

  • 9 min read
Snoring is a common problem, but a good night's sleep is an essential - not a luxury. Learn how you can finally find peace and quiet, despite a snoring partner -and finally reclaim your sleep.
  • 9 min read
Snoring doesn't have to be a deal-breaker in your relationship. Learn how to block out the snoring noise so the two of you can sleep peacefully--together!
  • 6 min read
It’s a challenge to sleep with a snorer. That sanity-shattering racket along with the ongoing sleep loss can create big problems in a relationship. But here’s the good news: You don’t have to lose sleep—and you don’t have to sleep apart. Here’s how to sleep with a snorer—and still get great sleep...
  • 13 min read
Roughly 90 million Americans suffer from snoring. If you live with one of these people, you know that the statistic should read, "90 million Americans suffer from other people snoring". No matter how much you love someone, it's hard to get past their earth-shaking, insomnia-causing nighttime breathing habits.
  • 5 min read
As any person with a partner who snores knows, getting a good night's rest can be next to impossible with loud snoring filling the room each night. If you have a partner who snores at night, it's difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, particularly if your partners' snoring extra loud. A lack of sleep can affect ever
  • 4 min read
If you're a light sleeper, there's nothing worse than trying to fall asleep next to someone who's snoring their head off. Beyond generally being irritated in the morning, a lack of sleep can also lead to many health problems. Read on for a few tips and tricks on how to stop someone who snores.
  • 4 min read
SoundOff 2.0 Noise Masking Earbuds mask snoring and other noises so you sleep all night. This new version starts at a lower volume. We also have a new sound that is a “modified pink noise”. This new sound we call the “SoundOff Sound” hits lower tones to better mask snoring. We also added the comfort foam tips which keep snoring and other noises from coming in around the earbud. 
  • 1 min read
A few interesting snoring statistics about children, college students and those on in years...
  • 2 min read