"Best for Snoring" ~ Sleep Foundation

Pink Noise for Better Sleep


Pink Noise for Better Sleep

the Colors
of Noise

As with the colors of light, each color in the noise frequency spectrum has distinct properties and functions. In sleep applications, colored noise is often used to mask background noise, such as noisy neighbors or city sounds. It is also effective against more disruptive noises, like a snoring partner or neighbors that party like it's New Years Eve every weekend.

Pink Noise, in particular, is used to promote deep sleep. It is a steady sound that filters out distracting or obtrusive noises. Unlike White Noise, which includes all audible frequencies at equal energy levels, Pink Noise has more intense energy at lower frequencies, producing a soothing and more relaxing sound.


Pink Noise
for Restful Sleep

The color of noise is determined by the energy distribution of the sound signal across various frequencies. While White Noise consists of all audible frequencies at equal energy, Pink Noise's energy is concentrated at lower frequencies, creating a deeper and more pleasant sound.

It's no wonder Pink Noise is gaining popularity. Many people have discovered its ability to help them relax and achieve the restful sleep they need.

Pink Noise
in Nature

Nature is full of Pink Noise, including leaves rustling in trees, steady soft rain or a light breeze, to name just a few.

To the human ear, Pink Noise sounds even, and because it has the same tones in nature that we find pleasant, many people find it very relaxing as well.

In fact, customers often tell us they would still use SoundOff's Pink Noise to fall asleep even if their partner stopped snoring tomorrow. Yes, many people have purchased SoundOff to drown out their partner's snoring and are now getting the best sleep of their life!

soundoff sleep pink noise in nature technology for better sleep
soundoff sleep proprietary pink noise engineered for better sleep Soundoff-Sleep-pink-noise-earbuds-improve-sleep-quality-V3

Our Proprietary
Pink Noise

SoundOff has developed a proprietary and specially designed Pink Noise. It is a modified, or shaped, Pink Noise, developed by a PhD in psychoacoustics. How did he do it?

Because SoundOff was invented to mask snoring, he went into his sound studio, found a bunch of snoring sounds on YouTube and played them at the same time. While all this snoring was playing he went to work to modify the Pink Noise to mask the snoring more effectively.

Some of the higher tones were decreased and some of the lower tones were increased. This shaped sound masks snoring and other sleep disrupting noises very effectively.

Studies on Pink Noise for Improved Sleep

Several academic studies have explored the effects of Pink Noise on nocturnal sleep stability and its interaction with the brain to promote better sleep.

The Power of
Pink Noise

A study published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology found that steady Pink Noise reduces brain waves, increasing stable sleep.

Research by Northwestern University and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience both concluded that exposure to Pink Noise during sleep leads to an increase in deep sleep, which is associated with physical restoration and memory consolidation.

The NIH study Pink Noise: Effect on Complexity Synchronization of Brain Activity and Sleep Consolidation" revealed that steady Pink Noise exposure significantly reduces brain wave complexity. This results in more stable sleep and, ultimately, improved sleep quality.

Subsequent studies also showed an improvement in sleep quality with Pink Noise. Participants reported it was easier to fall asleep, they slept deeper, and they felt more rested upon waking.

Researchers reported participants found it easier to fall asleep, slept deeper, and reported feeling more rested upon waking.

soundoff-sleep-pink-noise-for-calm-mind-better-sleep-earbudssoundoff sleep pink noise research for better sleep

In her blog post Pink Noise for Better Sleep, Memory, and More,” Harvard & Yale trained psychiatrist, Suruchi Chandra, MD, delves deeper into the science behind the extensive benefits of pink noise for sleep, cognition, and overall well-being. Here, she explains why emerging research on Pink Noise is more promising than White Noise when it comes to brain health:

  1.  It can sound more soothing and be more calming for the nervous system.
  2.  Our brain cells communicate through brain waves that follow a pattern similar to Pink Noise. And because pink noise can match our brain wave patterns, it may be more stabilizing for the brain.
  3.  As our brains age, they produce more white noise and less pink noise. In other words, pink noise may be associated with younger and healthier brains.
  4.  During sleep, our brains produce slower brain waves that allow the body and brain to enter a state of rest and restoration. There are fewer of the faster brain waves that occur during periods of focus and concentration...

Pink Noise For Deeper,
Less Fragmented Sleep

Doctor Chandra’s findings indicate that:

  • Pink noise appears to amplify the power of the slower brain waves during deep sleep.
  • And, when administered at night, it may help people fall asleep faster and get deeper, less fragmented sleep.

Enjoy Your Best Sleep EVER!

Our Pink Noise with Comply foam tips makes the SoundOff Noise Masking device superior to any other noise masking technology currently available. With SoundOff, you can finally get the comfortable night's sleep you need and deserve.


Fall Asleep and
Stay Asleep

Calming Effect on the Brain

Pink Noise helps you relax and unwind, making it easier to fall asleep.

Uninterrupted Sleep

Pink Noise masks disruptive background sounds, reducing the likelihood of waking up during the night.

Stabilized Sleep Patterns

Pink Noise aids in stabilizing sleep patterns, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep for more continuous and restorative sleep.

Promotes Longer Periods of Deep Sleep

The balanced spectrum of Pink Noise has been reported to promote longer periods of slow-wave or deep sleep, crucial for memory consolidation and overall cognitive function.

In short, the consistent tones of Pink Noise mask disruptive environmental sounds. You won't hear your snoring partner, banging hotel doors, barking dogs, or other annoying noises. With Pink Noise, it's easy to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Pink Noise

The choice to use Pink Noise in SoundOff Noise Masking Earbuds has been rewarded with tremendously positive feedback. Customers frequently mention our Pink Noise specifically when telling us about their SoundOff experience. One user in particular, calls it “Lullabye-esque.”

Whether you're seeking better sleep, improved focus, or simply a moment of serenity, the benefits of Pink Noise are vast.

Soothing, balanced, Pink Noise offers a wide range of benefits from enhancing sleep quality and improving focus--to boosting creativity and productivity--to reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
