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“I Can’t Sleep”: Techniques To Help You Sleep

  • 8 min read


Many individuals are well-acquainted with the persistent challenge of finding rest at night when they can't sleep, their minds racing amidst the silence. Our tried-and-tested advice and soothing relaxation techniques are designed to ease your mind and assist you in achieving the much-needed sleep you desire. Whether you're seeking solutions for when you are lying in bed thinking, "I can't sleep", or strategies for "how to sleep better," we've got you covered with effective techniques to improve your sleep quality.


1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a highly effective technique that involves intentionally tensing and then relaxing specific muscle groups in the body. This practice helps you identify and alleviate tension and stress, ultimately aiding in better relaxation and sleep.

Here's how to perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

  1. Find a comfortable sitting or lying position and bring your attention to your breath.
  2. As you inhale slowly, clench your fists, paying close attention to the sensations that come with muscle tightness.
  3. Exhale gently, allowing your hands to relax fully. Notice the tension dissipating from your muscles.
  4. Repeat this process for various muscle groups throughout your body, tensing as you inhale and releasing as you exhale.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a valuable tool for addressing challenges when you say to yourself “I can’t sleep”. By systematically releasing tension from head to toe, you can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve your overall sleep quality. Whether you're seeking help to sleep better or techniques to manage sleep-related issues, PMR can be a beneficial addition to your routine.

2. The Military Technique

If you need to fall asleep quickly, anytime and anywhere, the military sleep method might be the solution for you. Originally developed to help service members achieve restful sleep in challenging and high-stress situations, this method teaches you how to swiftly relax both your body and mind.


Follow these steps for the Military Method:

  1. Begin by relaxing your facial muscles, starting from your forehead and gradually moving down to your jaw.
  2. Release any tension in your shoulders and arms, allowing them to rest naturally at your sides.
  3. Inhale slowly and deeply, then exhale gradually to calm your breathing.
  4. Extend this relaxation to your legs, starting from your hips and thighs, and slowly progressing down to the tips of your toes.
  5. Close your eyes and visualize a serene and tranquil scene. If your mind starts to wander, gently repeat a simple phrase, such as "be still," to refocus your thoughts.

The Military Method offers a reliable approach for those looking for a solution to "I can't sleep." By quickly relaxing both your body and mind, you can improve your chances of falling asleep swiftly, even in demanding situations. Whether you're seeking methods to "help you sleep" or techniques for better sleep quality, the Military Method can be a valuable addition to your sleep routine.

3. Imagery Technique

Imagery, often referred to as visualization, is a powerful method that involves mentally conjuring peaceful and comforting scenes. These mental images can encourage your body to relax and promote a sense of calm. You can practice imagery on your own or explore guided imagery exercises available online or through various apps.

Here's how to practice Imagery:

  • Begin by finding a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Take a few moments to engage in controlled breathing to center yourself.
  • Immerse yourself in a mental scene that evokes a deep sense of tranquility, such as envisioning yourself on a serene beach.
  • As you visualize this scene, focus on capturing as many delightful details as possible. Pay close attention to the sensations of relaxation that wash over your body.

Imagery, a valuable technique for addressing difficulties like "I can't sleep," can transport you to a place of calm and serenity, allowing you to unwind and improve your overall sleep quality. Whether you're seeking ways to "help you sleep" or techniques for "how to sleep better," incorporating imagery into your bedtime routine can be a beneficial step toward restful sleep.


4. Controlled Breathing Technique

  1. Begin by finding a comfortable position.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  3. Inhale slowly and deeply, guiding your breath into your belly. As you do this, you'll notice the hand on your stomach rising, while the one on your chest remains relatively still.
  4. Exhale gently and steadily, allowing the hand on your stomach to gradually fall.
  5. Repeat this calming exercise multiple times until you feel prepared to sleep or transition into another relaxation method.

Controlled breathing is a powerful tool to calm your mind and promote better sleep. Whether you're struggling with "I can't sleep" moments or seeking ways to "help you sleep," incorporating this technique into your nightly routine can be a valuable step toward improved sleep quality.

5. Body Scan Meditation Technique

Many individuals turn to meditation practices to cultivate tranquility and enhance their overall mental and physical well-being. Body scans represent a specific meditation approach that involves focusing your awareness on various parts of the body without passing judgment on the sensations that arise.

Follow these steps for Body Scan Meditation:

  1. Begin by lying in a supine position with your hands resting at your sides.
  2. Take a few moments to engage in controlled breathing to settle your mind.
  3. Shift your attention to the sensations in your feet without categorizing them as either positive or negative.
  4. Inhale deeply, visualizing your breath traveling down to your feet. Upon exhaling, release your awareness of your feet, and gradually shift your focus upward to your ankles and calves.
  5. Continue to progress your attention upwards, moving through your body until you reach your head.
  6. Conclude the practice by acknowledging your entire body as a unified whole and taking deep, calming breaths.

Body Scan Meditation is a powerful technique that can be beneficial for those searching for solutions for "I can't sleep." It aids in promoting relaxation and mindfulness, contributing to better sleep quality and overall well-being.

6. Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 Breathing Technique

The 4-7-8 breathing technique was created to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. This method of breathing control involves establishing a pattern of inhaling, holding breath, and exhaling in a specific ratio.

  1. Close your eyes and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your teeth. Keep your tongue in this position for the whole exercise.
  2. Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose as you count to four in your mind.
  3. Hold your breath, and count to seven.
  4. Open your mouth and exhale as you count to eight. Allow the breath to make a whooshing sound as it leaves your body.
  5. Repeat steps two through four three more times, making sure that your breathing pattern follows the 4-7-8 ratio.

7. Autogenic Training Technique

Autogenic training is a powerful relaxation technique that employs self-hypnosis to promote sound sleep. This method involves the repetition of specific phrases that draw your attention to the calming sensations in various parts of your body.

Here's how to practice Autogenic Training:

Begin by lying in bed with your eyes closed, preparing for a peaceful sleep.

Recite sets of six to ten phrases for each of the following sensations:

  • "Warmth in the arms and legs"
  • "Heaviness in the arms and legs"
  • "A slow, steady heartbeat"
  • "Slow, calm, regular breathing"
  • "Softness and warmth in the belly"
  • "A cool forehead"

As you progress through the sets, retain some of the phrases from the previous ones while introducing new ones.

For instance, here are examples of the initial and final sets:

Initial Set:
  • "Warmth in the arms and legs"
  • "Heaviness in the arms and legs"
  • "A slow, steady heartbeat"
  • "Slow, calm, regular breathing"
  • "Softness and warmth in the belly"
  • "A cool forehead"
Final Set (Introduction of New Phrases):
  • "Warmth in the arms and legs"
  • "Heaviness in the arms and legs"
  • "A slow, steady heartbeat"
  • "Slow, calm, regular breathing"
  • "Softness and warmth in the belly"
  • "A cool forehead"
  • "Complete relaxation in the arms and legs"
  • "Deep and restful sleep"
  • "Peace and serenity throughout my body"

Autogenic Training is a valuable technique for achieving better sleep, especially for individuals experiencing issues related to "I can't sleep." By directing your focus to these calming sensations, you can enhance your relaxation, reduce stress, and improve your overall sleep quality. Whether you're seeking methods to help you sleep or techniques for how to sleep better, Autogenic Training can be a beneficial addition to your sleep routine.

8. Word Game Technique

Engaging in a word game can be a relaxing way to divert your thoughts from stress and promote a sense of calm. Games that involve repetitive and monotonous tasks are particularly effective in inducing sleepiness. Cognitive scientist Luc Beaudoin developed a word game specifically designed to assist individuals in falling asleep.

Follow these steps to play the Word Game:

  1. Start by selecting a neutral word that consists of five or more letters. Opt for a word that does not repeat any letters, such as "dream."
  2. Challenge yourself to think of as many words as possible that begin with the first letter of your chosen word. For instance, if you selected "dream," you might generate words like "dog," "duck," "donut," or "dimples."
  3. As you come up with each word, take a moment to visualize it in your mind's eye.
  4. Continue this process for each letter in your chosen word.
  5. If you begin to feel drowsy before completing the game, allow yourself to drift into sleep.

Playing a word game is a valuable technique for those experiencing sleep difficulties like "I can't sleep." By immersing yourself in this mental exercise, you can effectively shift your focus, calm your mind, and enhance your ability to fall asleep peacefully. Whether you're seeking strategies to "help you sleep" or techniques for better sleep quality, the Word Game can be a helpful addition to your sleep routine.

Sleeping woman

"I can't sleep": Proactive Tips for Better Sleep

To maximize the effectiveness of any relaxation technique and ensure restful sleep, it's essential to practice good sleep hygiene – the behaviors and habits that promote healthy sleep. Here are some proactive tips to help you sleep better:

  • Embrace Natural Light: Aim to spend at least 30 minutes in natural daylight early in the day. Natural light exposure helps regulate your body's internal clock, enhancing your sleep-wake cycle.
  • Stick to a Consistent Schedule: Maintain a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. Going to bed and waking up at the same times each day helps regulate your body's internal clock and improves sleep quality.
  • Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Create a sleep-friendly environment in your bedroom. Ensure your room is dark, quiet (try our earbuds!), and at a comfortable temperature. Investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows can also make a significant difference.
  • Limit Caffeine Intake: Avoid consuming caffeine at least eight hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Refrain from drinking alcohol at least four hours before bedtime. While alcohol may initially make you feel drowsy, it can disrupt your sleep cycle and lead to fragmented sleep later in the night.

Incorporating these proactive sleep hygiene tips into your routine alongside relaxation techniques can help address sleep issues and contribute to a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Whether you're seeking strategies to "help you sleep" or techniques for "how to sleep better," adopting these habits can play a vital role in improving your sleep quality.