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Travel Insomnia: On-the-Go Sleep Strategies

  • 4 min read


If we’re not prioritizing sleep, the best-planned adventure tends to disrupt sleep patterns—affecting overall well-being and taking the joy out of our adventures.

Whether you’re traveling by plane, ship, rail—or embarking on a road trip, some strategizing is necessary to mitigate the effects of travel-related sleep deterrents.

Here, we’ll explore causes of travel insomnia, focusing on disruptive noise and other factors that affect our ability to fully rejuvenate during our getaways.

What is Travel Insomnia?

Travel Insomnia (not a medical term) refers to difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep while away from home. It’s a common malady among travelers—resulting from factors related to environment, disrupted routines, and body clock adjustments.

Typically, our bodies want to sleep during what’s known as our Circadian Window which, for most, is between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. Any travel, especially across two or more time zones, confuses the body’s internal clock—disrupting a critical aspect of the sleep process.

The Importance of Rejuvenation 

Vacations—whether long or short—offer an escape from our day-to-day demands; providing significant rejuvenating benefits…

Restorative Rest:

Focus on relaxation to restore your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Reduced Stress:

Take a break from responsibilities and commitments that may be wearing you out.

Sharper Thinking:

Stop being “always on” – it leads to fuzzy thinking and decreased creativity.

    Rejuvenation increases vitality. It makes you a better version of yourself—better at your job, relationships, parenting… able to live life more fully.

    Basic Strategies to address Travel Insomnia:

    1. Get a head start: Adjust sleep time before you travel

    • Three days before traveling, start moving your bedtime. Go to bed an hour earlier, or an hour later, than you normally would—as fits your specific travel schedule.
    • Day 2 before travel, add another hour either way as appropriate.
    • Day 3, add a third hour.
    1. Once you arrive at your destination, sync with the locals

    • If you’re landing in the middle of the day, sleep as much as you’re able on the plane.
    • For nighttime landings, keep awake on the plane and sleep when you’re at your destination


    Follow the 2-day rule for shorter stays.  Keep to your own schedule when you’re going to be staying somewhere less than two days—otherwise, by the time your body adapts, you’ll be turning around to come home

    1. Use light to your advantage

    • If you’re arriving first thing in the morning as you travel east, have sunglasses handy to minimize light exposure,
    • Get maximal light exposure in the late morning and early afternoon—this will shift your natural rhythms closer to your destination’s time zone.
    • When traveling westward, which is less disruptive, aim to get light exposure in the early evening. Eating outdoors or going for a walk will help push your rhythm a bit later.
    1. Start the day right

    Take a warm shower and get outside for some exercise. Increasing core body temperature triggers your circadian rhythm—your body knows it’s time to get moving, and you’re set for a productive day.

    Impact of Time Zones and Overcoming Travel Insomnia

    1. Jet Lag

    • As mentioned, crossing multiple time zones messes with our circadian rhythm… jet lag follows.

    Tip: Gradually adjust your sleep schedule before and after the trip and be sure to get sunlight exposure during the day.

    1. Travel Fatigue

    • Stress, anxiety, and long travel days contribute to travel fatigue.
    • Pressurized airplane cabins, altered food habits, and extended sitting, worsen fatigue

    Tip: Stay hydrated, move around during flights, and prioritize rest.

    1. Changes in Routine

    • Travel inevitably disrupts our usual sleep routines.
    • Different time zones, irregular mealtimes and unfamiliar beds affect our sleep quality.

    Tip: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even while traveling.

    The Impact of Disruptive Noise on Sleep

    Airplane Noise

      • Exposure to airplane noise, even at moderate levels (as low as 45 dB), can disrupt sleep.
      • Jet engines, cabin announcements, and other passengers also contribute to sleep disturbances during commercial flights.

      Tip: Be sure to include noise protection in your carry-on bag—Like a pair of  noise masking earbuds.

      Traffic Noise

        • Whether you’re in a bustling city or near a busy highway, traffic noise can interfere with your sleep.
        • Research shows that environmental noise decreases rejuvenating deep sleep.

        Tip: Opt for accommodations away from major roads. If you still hear traffic noise, you’ll be prepared to silence it with those earbuds you remembered to pack.

        1. Hotel and Roommate Noise

        • Slamming hotel doors, noisy hallways, neighboring rooms, pinging elevators, and street sounds can all deter your sleep.
        • A snoring partner or noisy travel mate may ruin not just your sleep but your relationship as well.

        Tip: Fortunately, SoundOff Earbuds play a calming Pink Noise to soothe your ruffled feathers and lull you to sleep. Whether you need to block engine or people noise on the plane, traffic noise in busy locales—or that snorer you’re traveling with, SoundOff will silence the noise so you can fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed.


        Understanding travel insomnia empowers you to take proactive steps. Prioritize sleep hygiene, minimize disruptive noise, and proactively adapt to new environments. With these strategies, you’ll ensure your vacations are not only exciting but also restorative for your body and mind. Bon voyage!